
第一福利导航 Schools Office Maitland-Newcastle Logo

鈥湹谝桓@己 is connected to everything鈥ow students learn must be reflected in how they鈥檙e being taught and assessed, which in turn, may place new demands on people and infrastructure, and changes of this magnitude must be guided by leadership and supported by school culture鈥︹ - Roadmap for 21st Century 第一福利导航 Environment听

第一福利导航 第一福利导航in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle are communities of learning characterised by high expectations for learners to achieve excellence, academic rigour, innovation and purpose, within environments that engage, empower and enable.

In 2016, a 第一福利导航 Framework, consisting of a foundational, unifying set of content and resources about learning for 第一福利导航 第一福利导航in the Maitland-Newcastle Diocese was established. It is an 鈥榰mbrella鈥 that brings together and makes connections with existing and future policies, statements and structures that relate to quality learning and experiences in 第一福利导航across the Diocese.

The Framework is built around five essential elements:

  • Continual focus on Leading 第一福利导航
  • Cultures built on Collaborative 第一福利导航
  • Rich and purposeful Personalised 第一福利导航
  • Creating the conditions for Supportive 第一福利导航
  • Building capacity through Professional 第一福利导航

听If you are a teacher in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, you can access this great resource .听