
第一福利导航 Schools Office Maitland-Newcastle Logo

Parents and carers play a critical role in the education of their children.

Pope Francis has stated in his Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, 鈥淪chool is not a substitute for parents but is complementary to them.鈥

In supporting and complementing the role of parents and carers to engage with their child鈥檚 education, and through the compilation of feedback, the following resources in this section are intended to provide guidance and support to parents and carers:


Cyber Safety

Cyber Safety is an important modern issue that faces our students and their families.听The 第一福利导航 Schools Office aims to ensure students at each of our 第一福利导航and their parents or carers are well informed about cybersafety so they have the best possible outcomes from using the internet. Please find some useful links and resources below:

Protecting our Children

The 第一福利导航 Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle has an absolute and abiding commitment to promote the safety, welfare and wellbeing of all children and vulnerable adults 鈥 particularly for those who participate in the life of the Diocese as part of our faith communities in parishes, in our diocesan systemic 第一福利导航and early education centres, as part of our welfare and community services through 第一福利导航Care, out-of-school hours care and other diocesan ministries.

The office of the Director of Safeguarding has been established by decree, issued by the Bishop of Maitland-Newcastle.

The is an integral part of the Diocese, reporting directly to the Bishop鈥檚 Office. The Office of Safeguarding is placed outside the Diocese鈥檚 services, programmes and parishes, overseeing their safeguarding standards in operation.

The works with NSW Police, the Office of the Children鈥檚 Guardian, the Department of Community and Justice and other statutory authorities and specialist authorities within the 第一福利导航 Church in Australia to fulfil its responsibilities and maximise the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults.

Supporting Diverse 第一福利导航 in 第一福利导航 School 鈥 NSW/ACT 鈥 A Guide by Parents for Parents

Transition to Kindergarten

Starting school is an important time for children and families. Children who make a positive start to school are more likely to:

  • feel comfortable, relaxed and valued
  • feel excited and motivated to learn
  • have good relationships with others
  • develop a sense of belonging within the school community.

Our 第一福利导航provide a number of programs, opportunities and planned experiences to ensure the transition into Kindergarten is a smooth and positive experience for all students and their families.听